Shortcut includes - How to use this theme
You can use the following includes in the body of your posts as shortcuts for blocks of code that you might otherwise use repetitively. These are also helpful if you or I decide to change the method that the content is presented; we’d need only change the include file.
Media embeds
For each of these embeds, the media-id is readily available from the Video’s URL, from the address bar or the share link provided by most shareable media.
For example, the first Vimeo example uses the id
from the video’s URL:
{% include post_vimeo.html id="<media-id>" %}
{% include post_youtube.html id="<media-id>" %}
If you are writing documentation posts such as this User Guide, you might want to add a notice here or there, something that stands out. The types of notices available with this include are note, tip, important, did-you-know, and faq. If you do not provide a type, the default is note.
{% include post_note.html type="tip" text="Your note text..." %}
Your note text... |
Paragraph-wrapped images
{% include post_picwrap.html pos="left" src="/images/pic04.jpg" %}
Laborum et in in cillum quis ut mollit id sit dolor nostrud. Occaecat mollit
in adipisicing magna nostrud sunt nulla consectetur cupidatat tempor dolore
magna. Est ad sit eu tempor aute sunt sunt excepteur cupidatat sed irure ut et
elit veniam. Lorem ipsum tempor quis ea in minim labore nisi aute ea sed irure
nisi occaecat est magna occaecat occaecat. Nostrud sed est ullamco enim ut
proident dolor et in consequat aliquip in ex eu ad. Incididunt sit sit dolore
dolore ut excepteur sunt laboris ut ullamco velit. Veniam tempor dolor magna
in nulla elit dolor ea et commodo in. Laboris eu adipisicing nostrud commodo
commodo ea laborum non minim cupidatat. Lorem ipsum non laborum anim ex labore
commodo commodo eu aliqua est ea consequat do aute ex amet incididunt
consectetur enim. Consequat consectetur occaecat cillum tempor occaecat sunt
ea laboris exercitation excepteur.
Laborum et in in cillum quis ut mollit id sit dolor nostrud. Occaecat mollit
in adipisicing magna nostrud sunt nulla consectetur cupidatat tempor dolore
magna. Est ad sit eu tempor aute sunt sunt excepteur cupidatat sed irure ut et
elit veniam. Lorem ipsum tempor quis ea in minim labore nisi aute ea sed irure
nisi occaecat est magna occaecat occaecat. Nostrud sed est ullamco enim ut
proident dolor et in consequat aliquip in ex eu ad. Incididunt sit sit dolore
dolore ut excepteur sunt laboris ut ullamco velit. Veniam tempor dolor magna
in nulla elit dolor ea et commodo in. Laboris eu adipisicing nostrud commodo
commodo ea laborum non minim cupidatat. Lorem ipsum non laborum anim ex labore
commodo commodo eu aliqua est ea consequat do aute ex amet incididunt
consectetur enim. Consequat consectetur occaecat cillum tempor occaecat sunt
ea laboris exercitation excepteur.
In addition to ‘left’ and ‘right’, there is also a pos
value of ‘fit’ You
can use this value when you want the image to fit 100% of the width of the
containing block (such as a paragraph), but you still want it to shrink on
smaller screens. Also, with this ‘fit’ value, if you don’t want the image
to scale larger than a certain size (such as the width of the actual image),
then you can add a max parameter with a value in pixels.